How Does Vitamin K2 Affect Height Growth?

Alongside calcium and vitamin D3, vitamin K2 forms a trio of nutrients crucial for comprehensive bone development. However, many parents overlook vitamin K2, leading to incomplete bone growth. How does vitamin K2 truly impact height? And how much supplementation is necessary, and through which foods?

What is Vitamin K2?

Vitamin K2 is part of the vitamin K group, a collection of fat-soluble compounds. It aids in blood clotting, calcium metabolism, and enhances antioxidant activity. Vitamin K2 is divided into two main forms, MK4 and MK7. Of these, MK7, with its high bioavailability, is predominantly used in most products.

Vitamin K2 (MK7)

Vitamin K2 (MK7) creates the Osteocalcin protein, which functions to transport calcium to bone tissue, limiting its deposition in the blood vessels.

How Does Vitamin K2 Affect Height Growth?

Vitamin K2 has been proven necessary for the body to utilize calcium for proper bone formation and prevent calcium buildup in arteries and soft tissues. Additionally, it’s crucial for the dental system and the regulation of cell development.

Vitamin K2 activates existing K-dependent proteins in the body, enabling calcium to function properly. Osteocalcin, a bone-forming protein, is one such protein. It binds calcium ions to the bone matrix, strengthening bones. When the body has sufficient vitamin K2, calcium is directed to where it’s needed, away from potentially harmful areas.

Conversely, insufficient vitamin K2 can lead to paradoxical calcification. In simpler terms, bones receive too little calcium, making them weak and brittle. Meanwhile, non-calcium-dependent parts like arteries and blood vessels end up with an excess of this mineral, causing them to become rigid or constricted.

Vitamin K2 helps strengthen the health of the blood vessels, heart, dental structure, and bones.

Vitamin K2 helps strengthen the health of the blood vessels, heart, dental structure, and bones.

Apart from height enhancement, what other benefits does vitamin K2 offer?

In addition to supporting height growth, vitamin K2 is also responsible for cardiovascular health and dental well-being.

Benefits of Vitamin K2 for Heart Health

As mentioned, vitamin K2 facilitates the proper transportation of calcium to where it’s needed. Consequently, when supplemented in the body, these minerals are transported to the bones and other parts, without accumulating in the blood vessels.

According to a 15-year study on males, high absorption of vitamin K2 is associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases and mortality rates due to heart conditions.

Vitamin K2 Ensures Dental Health

It aids in the production of essential proteins for building strong dental structures. Meanwhile, Osteocalcin, a protein activated by vitamin K2, regulates the process of bone calcification. It also triggers the mechanism stimulating the development of dentin beneath the tooth enamel. This is how this vitamin type impacts dental health.

At what age can one supplement vitamin K2?

Children can start taking vitamin K2 from birth. However, the recommended supplementation amount should be precise as advised by healthcare professionals. Over or under-supplementation can have negative effects on children’s health.

How much Vitamin K2 should be taken?

Each age group requires a specific nutrient intake for optimal bone length growth. Below are the recommended daily vitamin K dosage amounts for overall well-being.

  • 0-6 months old: 2mcg
  • 7-12 months old: 2.5mcg
  • 1-3 years old: 30mcg
  • 4-8 years old: 55mcg
  • 9-13 years old: 60mcg
  • 14-18 years old: 75mcg
  • Males aged 19 and above: 120mcg
  • Females aged 19 and above: 90mcg
  • Adolescents who are pregnant or breastfeeding: 75mcg

What foods contain Vitamin K2?

Vitamin K is present in various natural food sources. Vitamin K2 is mainly found in fermented food items. Below are some sources of Vitamin K2 that individuals can consider:

  • Natto: A fermented soybean dish, renowned for its abundant Vitamin K2 content, which is arguably the highest among all existing Vitamin K2 sources.
  • Dark meat: Dark portions of poultry, such as legs or thighs.
  • Fermented cheeses: Certain types of cheese like Edam, Gouda, Cheddar, or blue cheese contain Vitamin K2, produced by bacteria during the manufacturing process.
  • Egg yolks: Regardless of whether you prefer them scrambled or sunny-side-up, egg yolks are rich sources of Vitamin K2.

In reality, the sources of Vitamin K2 from food are not abundant. This has been a challenge in supplementing Vitamin K2 for height growth in the past. Currently, parents can consider and supplement Vitamin K2 for their children through certain height-boosting milk or supplements.

Choosing Milk with Vitamin K2

Here are the top 4 types of milk containing the best Vitamin K2 in the United States:

  • Organic Valley Grassmilk: Known for its organic and grass-fed cows, this brand offers milk that is rich in vitamin K2. The cows are fed with a diet of fresh grass, enhancing the nutrient content in the milk.
  • Kalona SuperNatural Organic Whole Milk: Kalona SuperNatural is renowned for its organic whole milk that contains a notable amount of vitamin K2. Their milk comes from pasture-grazed cows, ensuring high-quality organic dairy products.
  • Maple Hill Creamery 100% Grass-Fed Organic Milk: This brand is recognized for its 100% grass-fed organic milk, which contains vitamin K2. The milk is sourced from cows that are exclusively fed grass, contributing to its nutritional value.
  • Trader Joe’s Organic Milk: Trader Joe’s offers a range of organic milk options, including whole milk and other varieties, which are known to contain vitamin K2. Their organic milk products are sourced from reputable suppliers known for their quality and ethical farming practices.

Read more: What is Collagen Type II?

What to note when supplementing Vitamin K2?

Vitamin K2 can cause some side effects if not supplemented properly. Commonly observed side effects include constipation or diarrhea, loss of appetite or an unpleasant taste in the mouth, nausea, sour stomach, or discomfort in the stomach. Therefore, parents need to take note of the following points when supplementing Vitamin K2 for their children:

  • Do not supplement if allergic to Vitamin K2
  • Do not supplement large amounts of Vitamin K2 separately for children without a doctor’s recommendation
  • Avoid supplementing if the child has kidney disease, heart disease, liver disease, overactive thyroid, bleeding disorders, sarcoidosis, etc.
  • To effectively increase height, supplementing Vitamin K2 alone is not sufficient. Parents should choose supportive products with Vitamin K2 as one of the components. This not only helps children get enough Vitamin K but also other essential nutrients for height.

Through this article, you have surely understood the importance of Vitamin K2 for height growth. Additionally, you have found the optimal sources of Vitamin K2 supplementation. Stay tuned for more useful information to help your beloved child reach their full potential!

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