The average height of Jordanians

The average height of a population can reveal much about its health, nutrition, and living conditions. This article explores the average height of Jordanians, highlighting key statistics and trends. By examining these factors, we can better understand the overall well-being and development of the Jordanian people.

What is the average height of Jordanians?

According to recent data, the average height for Jordanian men is approximately 174.8 cm (5 feet 9 inches), while the average height for Jordanian women is about 159.5 cm (5 feet 3 inches).

Height of Jordanians vs. Global Averages

Region Men Women
Jordan 5’9″ (174.8cm) 5’3″ (159.3cm)
Western Asia 5’8″ (172cm) 5’3″ (159cm)
East Asia 5’9″ (174cm) 5’4″ (162cm)
South Asia 5’5″ (166cm) 5’1″ (155cm)
Central Asia 5’7″ (171cm) 5’3″ (160cm)
SE Asia 5’6″ (167cm) 5’1″ (155cm)

* A comparison table of the average height of Jordanians with other regions in Asia.

Region Men Women
Jordan 5 feet 9 inches (174.8 cm) 5 feet 3 inches (159.3 cm)
Worldwide 5 feet 7 inches (171 cm) 5 feet 3 inches (161 cm)

* The comparison chart of average heights of Jordanians with global averages

The population and demographics of Jordan

Jordan, a Middle Eastern country, has a population that reflects its diverse cultural heritage and historical significance. As of my last update, Jordan’s population was around 11 million people. The demographics are characterized by a mix of Jordanians and a significant number of refugees, primarily from Palestine, Iraq, and more recently Syria, due to regional conflicts.

Here are some key demographic points about Jordan:

  • Ethnicity and Nationality: The majority of Jordan’s population are Arab, primarily of Jordanian descent. There are also small minorities of Circassians, Chechens, Armenians, and Kurds, among others.
  • Religion: Islam is the predominant religion in Jordan, with the majority of Jordanians being Sunni Muslims. There are also small Christian and Shia Muslim communities.
  • Urbanization: Jordan is highly urbanized, with a significant portion of the population residing in cities such as Amman (the capital), Zarqa, Irbid, and Aqaba. Amman, in particular, is one of the most populous cities and serves as the cultural and economic center of the country.
  • Refugees: Jordan has long been a destination for refugees from neighboring countries. Palestinian refugees make up a notable portion of the population, with many having lived in Jordan since the Arab-Israeli conflicts of the mid-20th century. Additionally, Jordan has hosted refugees from Iraq and, more recently, from Syria due to the ongoing civil war there.
  • Population Growth: Jordan has experienced significant population growth over the past decades, driven by both natural increase and influxes of refugees. This has posed challenges for the country’s infrastructure, economy, and social services.
  • Youth Population: A large percentage of Jordan’s population is under the age of 30, which has implications for education, employment, and social policy.
  • Government Policies: Jordan has implemented various policies to manage its population growth and accommodate refugees while striving to maintain stability and economic development.

These demographic factors shape Jordan’s society and influence its domestic and foreign policies. The country continues to face challenges related to population growth, economic development, and regional stability, which are critical considerations for its future.

Read more: The Average Height of Saudi Arabians

In conclusion,

The average height of Jordanians offers valuable insights into the nation’s health and socio-economic conditions. By analyzing the factors that influence height, such as genetics, nutrition, and healthcare access, we can better understand the well-being of the Jordanian population. Continued research and improved public health initiatives are essential for fostering a healthier and more robust society. Understanding these trends not only helps in addressing current health issues but also in planning for a better future for all Jordanians.

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