The average height of Nicaraguans

Exploring the average height of Nicaraguans gives insight into their physical characteristics and the factors that influence their stature, like genetics and nutrition.

What is the average height of Nicaraguans?

  • Overall average height: 162.7 cm (5 ft 4 in)
  • Male average height: 169.9 cm (5 ft 7 in)
  • Female average height: 155.6 cm (5 ft 1.5 in)

Height of Nicaraguans vs. Global Averages

Men Women
Nicaraguans 5 feet 7 inches (169.9 cm) 5 feet 1.5 inches (155.6 cm)
Worldwide 5 feet 7 inches (171 cm) 5 feet 3 inches (161 cm)

* Data source: Wikipedia.

Population and demographics in Nicaragua

Nicaragua, with a population of about 7 million, is located in Central America. Key demographics include:

  • Population Density: Relatively low, with most people living in the western part of the country.
  • Urban vs. Rural: 60% urban, with Managua being the largest city.
  • Ethnic Composition: Predominantly Mestizo (69%), with Indigenous groups and Afro-Nicaraguans also present.
  • Languages: Spanish is the official language; Indigenous languages and English are also spoken.
  • Religion: Mostly Roman Catholic, with Protestant and other religions present.
  • Age Structure: Young population, with a median age of around 24 years.

Read more: The average height of Dominicans

In conclusion,

The average height of Nicaraguans reflects a blend of genetic, nutritional, and environmental factors unique to the region. Understanding these influences offers a clearer perspective on the population’s overall health and development.

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